Better blood sugar control for our region’s 25,000 diabetics is the Waikato Diabetes Research Team’s goal.
This joint University of Waikato/Waikato DHB initiative is examining both primary and secondary health services, aiming to streamline processes, address gaps and improve diabetes management, outcomes and equity of care. Its most recent large study (just one of the team’s successes) gathered and analysed NZ’s largest-ever database of real patient information, delivering valuable insights into medication access and use, barriers to good outcomes and the prevalence and impact of issues such as anxiety and depression. This informed a new primary care programme newly-diagnosed diabetics, which included culturally-appropriate support for Māori patients.
Waikato Diabetes Research Team
Sweet Success
Waikato DHB Medical Science Award
Better blood sugar control for our region’s 25,000 diabetics is the Waikato Diabetes Research Team’s goal.
This joint University of Waikato/Waikato DHB initiative is examining both primary and secondary health services, aiming to streamline processes, address gaps and improve diabetes management, outcomes and equity of care. Its most recent large study (just one of the team’s successes) gathered and analysed NZ’s largest-ever database of real patient information, delivering valuable insights into medication access and use, barriers to good outcomes and the prevalence and impact of issues such as anxiety and depression. This informed a new primary care programme newly-diagnosed diabetics, which included culturally-appropriate support for Māori patients.